Underwater photography

I specialise in underwater photography and Videography. (Please see the online catalogue of images available)
Scuba Diving club training instruction photography/videography, ‘Dive training video services, and other similar underwater work is within my remit.
Disclaimer for all underwater photography / Videography services
Customers booking the underwater filming service should have access to a pool and also ensure in advance that they possess the necessary documentation for such filming of their dive trainees to take place. FHA photography would need a copy of the necessary County Council/ School / University authority’s insurance, Risk assessment documentation before providing such a service.
Please contact me for any underwater film service that is not mentioned here as I am flexible!
Charges from May 2024

1.1 Underwater Fashion Shoots
The weightlessness and fluidity of underwater opening up a new world of creativity like no other environment. Photographic sessions can be either Still images, ( with flash) or video. Please Call / Email FHA photography with your query; I look forward to accommodating your bespoke request.
I hour underwater fashion shoot (Still image / Video filming or a combination of both) £120
90 minute underwater shoot (Still image/Video filming or a combination of both)£150
NB Please refer to the disclaimer at the top of this section for all underwater Photographic services (*)
1.2 Swim and Dive Analysis for Schools, Clubs and Universities
FHA photography can capture images / video for swim club squads, competitive swim events and product images for schools, swim clubs and education providers.
I hour Swim & Dive Analysis session(Still image / Video filming or a combination of both) £100
90 minute Swim & Dive Analysis session(Still image / Video filming or a combination of both) £150
The Edited footage of the session will be available within 48hours of the session.
NB* Please see the disclaimer above, regarding the necessary documentation that will need to be provided by the client / customer.

1.3 Personal Underwater photographer for underwater (SCUBA) training
A professional and experienced underwater photographer provides you with the best possible underwater photos and video to document students in SCUBA training or to assist in the production of a dive school’s (SCUBAproviders)training videos.
I hour underwater photographer session (Still image / Video filming or a combination of both) £120
90 minute underwater photographer session(Still image / Video filming or a combination of both)£150
NB* Please see the disclaimer above, regarding the necessary documentation that will need to be provided by the client / customer.

Underwater Film shoots Pricing
As all clients requests for Underwater photography are difficult to price without specific information, I prefer to quote individually to ensure that the client can be provided with the best service possible for the best possible price.
However, for those clients who require high resolution images of their home, business premises or a specific location, please see the pricing below. For other aerial photography requirements, please contact me for a free, no obligation quote.